An interesting study appeared from the Department of Surgery at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland concerning whether age affects breast reduction outcome. 17 plastic surgeons were involved in the study which included patients with an average age of 36 years. Age groups were divided into those younger than 40, 40-50 years of age, and those older than 50. The researchers found that the women in the group older than 50 were more likely to experience infection, "with trends towards wound healing problems". The women in the 40-50 age group also showed a trend toward infection, although not as significant. A point of interest was that the more aged group did not suffer from any greater degree of more severe complications such as fat necrosis or development of seroma. The conclusion was that women older than 50 were more likely to develop infection than younger women, and that hormonal deficiency may account for this in part.
What can we learn from a study like this? It could be argued that it is pretty common sense that the older group would experience a higher number of infections. While this may be true, it was interesting that the type of complications were not more severe than those experienced by the younger age groups, and that hormonal deficiency could possibly account for the higher rate in the more aged group. If so, preparation prior to surgery may possibly help beat the odds.
Dr. Young urges all of his patients to take pre-operative surgical vitamins which are designed to boost your immune system and help prepare your body for surgery and the recovery period following. These are not over-the-counter vitamins, which must be discontinued at least two weeks prior to surgery as some contain ingredients which can impair healing or cause bleeding or other problems. The surgery vitamins are available to all of our patients, and are taken two weeks before and two weeks following your surgery. It is important, no matter what your age or health condition, to take all antibiotics and/or other medications prescribed to you prior to and following your surgery as directed. Followup visits with your surgeon are very important. Anyone experiencing a symptom of infection should call their surgeon's office as early on as possible.
Robert N. Young, MD, FACS is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in San Antonio, Texas. With over 30 years of plastic surgery specialty, he combines surgical expertise with an unrivaled level of personal attention and care. His specialty office and surgical center, Aesthetic Enhancement Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center, was founded by Dr. Young in order to bring the most innovative cosmetic surgery procedures to his patients and to practice his specialty of Breast Augmentation surgeries.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Quality Breast Implants Made in USA
You may have noticed an article which has hit the web on France's scandal involving silicone breast implants. The reported that more than 30,000 women in Europe have received silicone implants which were produced by the French implant company Poly Implant Prosthesis (PIP) using industrial grade silicone rather than the medical grade silicone which is used here in the United States.
Medical grade silicone is medically sterilized and safe, and is used in a variety of medical applications. The majority of breast implants we use are Mentor's MemoryGel silicone cohesive gel-filled implants which are made in the United States. Because they are manufactured here, they must adhere to strict FDA guidelines. In fact, the FDA has a consistent presence in Mentor's manufacturing facility. This, and Mentor's ongoing commitment to quality and safety, helps to ensure the safety of their breast implants for breast augmentation.
Silicone breast implants continue to be the desired choice by most women around the country due to the more natural feel they offer. With the latest advances to cohesive gel implants, the risks from rupture have been minimized because the gelatin-like substance retains its shape and does not seep like a liquid. If you have questions or concerns about silicone implants, consult with your surgeon.
Medical grade silicone is medically sterilized and safe, and is used in a variety of medical applications. The majority of breast implants we use are Mentor's MemoryGel silicone cohesive gel-filled implants which are made in the United States. Because they are manufactured here, they must adhere to strict FDA guidelines. In fact, the FDA has a consistent presence in Mentor's manufacturing facility. This, and Mentor's ongoing commitment to quality and safety, helps to ensure the safety of their breast implants for breast augmentation.
Silicone breast implants continue to be the desired choice by most women around the country due to the more natural feel they offer. With the latest advances to cohesive gel implants, the risks from rupture have been minimized because the gelatin-like substance retains its shape and does not seep like a liquid. If you have questions or concerns about silicone implants, consult with your surgeon.
Heed Your Surgeon's Advice on Exercise
A bizarre article caught my eye this morning about a woman whose breast implant disappeared (the article actually described it as "her body 'swallowed' one of her implants") while she performed a Pilates stretching exercise. Thinking that this sounded a little strange, I read the article, which appeared on the site TheBodyOdd on a couple of days ago, and was published online in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Apparently, the woman had several surgeries performed in the past. She was a breast cancer survivor and had a double mastectomy. She also had a recent surgery to repair her heart's mitral valve, which involved separating some of the muscles that run between the ribs. It is thought that when the woman attempted the Pilates move, called the Valsalva maneuver, the muscles in her chest contracted and may have pushed the implant through her ribs and into the space between the lungs. It is felt that this area was fragile after her multiple surgeries, and that tissue was more easily torn. It has been described as a "freak occurrence". To view the article:
The good news is that the woman is fine. Surgeons found the implant and placed it back where it belongs.
But what does all this mean for the the typical women who is considering or already has breast implants?
First, realize that when stories like this appear, they truly are rare and unusual occurrences. Second, while the article does not mention how long ago the woman had her breast implant surgery, it is a reminder to listen to and FOLLOW the advice you receive from your surgeon. Some complications can be avoided by following this advice. Your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon will give you a time frame in which you are to avoid all exercise, then tell you how soon you can return to moderate exercise, and when you can return to your regular full workouts. The same can apply for your recovery time and when it is safe to return to work, lifting, housecleaning, and even sex. It is easy to return too early because you feel so good, but complications CAN occur if you push the limits too early, or if you "overdo" it. If there is any doubt, please call your surgeon and ask.
Apparently, the woman had several surgeries performed in the past. She was a breast cancer survivor and had a double mastectomy. She also had a recent surgery to repair her heart's mitral valve, which involved separating some of the muscles that run between the ribs. It is thought that when the woman attempted the Pilates move, called the Valsalva maneuver, the muscles in her chest contracted and may have pushed the implant through her ribs and into the space between the lungs. It is felt that this area was fragile after her multiple surgeries, and that tissue was more easily torn. It has been described as a "freak occurrence". To view the article:
The good news is that the woman is fine. Surgeons found the implant and placed it back where it belongs.
But what does all this mean for the the typical women who is considering or already has breast implants?
First, realize that when stories like this appear, they truly are rare and unusual occurrences. Second, while the article does not mention how long ago the woman had her breast implant surgery, it is a reminder to listen to and FOLLOW the advice you receive from your surgeon. Some complications can be avoided by following this advice. Your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon will give you a time frame in which you are to avoid all exercise, then tell you how soon you can return to moderate exercise, and when you can return to your regular full workouts. The same can apply for your recovery time and when it is safe to return to work, lifting, housecleaning, and even sex. It is easy to return too early because you feel so good, but complications CAN occur if you push the limits too early, or if you "overdo" it. If there is any doubt, please call your surgeon and ask.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Rhinoplasty Gets Complicated when Septum is Deviated
Rhinoplasty ("nose job") is a cosmetic surgery procedure which can be complicated, and not surprisingly, many plastic surgeons do not enjoy doing them. No two noses are the same, and there can be limitations on what can be done with the nose. Not everyone can end up with, nor would necessarily want to end up with, a cute, perky little nose with a slight scoop in it. With the nose being in the center of the face, it tends to be put under the microscope by patients when judging results. And, when presented with common complaints of breathing problems, or a "deviated septum", the task of correcting the exterior shape of the nose can be greatly complicated by the internal issues causing the deviation.
Dr. Robert N. Young is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who has been performing Rhinoplasty surgeries for over 20 years, and he has achieved good results when dealing with cosmetic corrections. When a patient has septal issues however, he and many other qualified plastic surgeons prefer that patients consult with an experienced Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) physician/surgeon who can assess the internal issues involved. An ENT can diagnose the cause of breathing difficulties, rule out other medical conditions, and prescribe the best course of action for you. In some cases, bone grafts may be needed to correct the problem surgically. The good news is that the treatments are lasting, and outcomes can be very good.
The golden rule for Rhinoplasty: seek treatment from the professional best suited to help you, depending on if you need cosmetic correction, or correction of a breathing difficulty.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Best Breast Augmentation Prices of the Year!
We wish you, your family, and friends the very best for the holidays, and extend our thanks for your support and continued interest in our Cosmetic Plastic Surgery and Medical Day Spa services. In appreciation, we're closing 2011 with great prices on Breast Augmentation!
Breast Augmentation, usually $4700 for saline implants, $3950 now thru 12-30-11
Silicone implants usually $6000 are just $4950 thru 12-30-11
We've also got great specials on other surgery procedures performed by Dr. Robert N. Young, such as Tummy Tuck, Liposuction, Face Lift, Rhinoplasty and others. Contact us at 210-496-BODY to schedule a consultation with Dr. Young to see if you are a good candidate for these surgical procedures. Special pricing is available only while openings are available. Be sure to mention you read about Dr. Young's holiday specials so we can check availability.
Breast Augmentation, usually $4700 for saline implants, $3950 now thru 12-30-11
Silicone implants usually $6000 are just $4950 thru 12-30-11
We've also got great specials on other surgery procedures performed by Dr. Robert N. Young, such as Tummy Tuck, Liposuction, Face Lift, Rhinoplasty and others. Contact us at 210-496-BODY to schedule a consultation with Dr. Young to see if you are a good candidate for these surgical procedures. Special pricing is available only while openings are available. Be sure to mention you read about Dr. Young's holiday specials so we can check availability.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Is Dissatisfaction With Your Body a Problem?
I came across an interesting article published recently in a professional journal discussing the possibility that people who are very unhappy about the size or shape of their nose could mean that they suffer from a psychiatric disorder called Body Dysmorphic Disorder. A trained and Board Certified Plastic Surgeon is trained to look for patients who may suffer from Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) for a variety of reasons. Those with severe BDD can have an inaccurate perception of the way their body actual appears, and this can disrupt their everyday quality of life. The most common conditions associated with severe BDD is eating disorders such as Bulemia or Anorexia, where the patient may actually see themselves as "fat", when in reality they are extremely thin or emaciated. BDD could conceivably make one obsess about their nose, their legs, breasts, stomach, or other body area to the point where no amount of "correction" would prove satisfying.
Cosmetic Plastic Surgery can provide an increase in one's self esteem, help clothes fit better, and give one confidence. For those with BDD, cosmetic surgery usually does not "solve" the issues they have with their body, and they may be more apt to seek out revisional surgeries to the same area. Making sure that a patient has reasonable and obtainable expectations is key to successful outcomes in cosmetic plastic surgery, and most cosmetic surgeons want to know so they can deliver the results you want. Be sure to discuss your expectations clearly with the Board Certified Plastic Surgeons you consult with, and listen carefully if they advise that the surgery may not provide quite what you expect. No one wants to find themselves caught in an endless cycle of revisional surgery, whether you have had rhinoplasty, liposuction or breast augmentation.
On a good note, we find that patients who have taken time to research their procedure and their surgeon are often the most satisfied. While the internet can be a great tool for information, not all information is accurate, so ask questions from your surgeon if something doesn't sound right, or if there is something of particular importance to you. Take time to think over your reasons for wanting the surgery, and what you feel it will do for you. If you feel your expectations are reasonable, then plastic surgery can quite possibly be a good choice for you.
Cosmetic Plastic Surgery can provide an increase in one's self esteem, help clothes fit better, and give one confidence. For those with BDD, cosmetic surgery usually does not "solve" the issues they have with their body, and they may be more apt to seek out revisional surgeries to the same area. Making sure that a patient has reasonable and obtainable expectations is key to successful outcomes in cosmetic plastic surgery, and most cosmetic surgeons want to know so they can deliver the results you want. Be sure to discuss your expectations clearly with the Board Certified Plastic Surgeons you consult with, and listen carefully if they advise that the surgery may not provide quite what you expect. No one wants to find themselves caught in an endless cycle of revisional surgery, whether you have had rhinoplasty, liposuction or breast augmentation.
On a good note, we find that patients who have taken time to research their procedure and their surgeon are often the most satisfied. While the internet can be a great tool for information, not all information is accurate, so ask questions from your surgeon if something doesn't sound right, or if there is something of particular importance to you. Take time to think over your reasons for wanting the surgery, and what you feel it will do for you. If you feel your expectations are reasonable, then plastic surgery can quite possibly be a good choice for you.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Use Breast Implants From Reputable Manufacturers
Another story which appeared in the news today about breast implants sounds shocking on the surface. Claims are that large implants rupture at a much higher rate. The article also references "Jordan Syndrome", where women who get implants continually want to go bigger and bigger, often leading to the use of much oversized and potentially dangerous or disfiguring breast implants. See article:
While this condition may exist, and rupture and other problems can be more prevalent in larger implants, in the United States, the leading manufacturers of saline and silicone breast implants provide implants in sizes that have proven to be safe. These are strictly regulated. In addition, Board Certified Plastic Surgeons who specialize in Breast Augmentations receive training in the appropriate use and sizing of breast implants.
The very large sizes mentioned in the article (G-Cup, FF-Cup etc) are no longer used in this country. We also have very strict manufacturing standards which must be met in making breast implants, and there have been many advances over the years to ensure safety. In our experience, most women select implants from 350cc up to 800cc, which can increase your breast size from one to a few bra cup sizes. Most women don't want to look abnormal, clownish or "over-the-top". Keeping in proportion to the rest of your body will almost always give the most pleasing result.
We recommend that if you are considering breast implants, go to a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who is trained and experienced in Breast Augmentation, and who uses quality saline or silicone gel implants. He or she will be able to advise you on the risks associated with the type and size implant you desire, and will have your health, safety and goals in mind when helping with this important decision.
While this condition may exist, and rupture and other problems can be more prevalent in larger implants, in the United States, the leading manufacturers of saline and silicone breast implants provide implants in sizes that have proven to be safe. These are strictly regulated. In addition, Board Certified Plastic Surgeons who specialize in Breast Augmentations receive training in the appropriate use and sizing of breast implants.
The very large sizes mentioned in the article (G-Cup, FF-Cup etc) are no longer used in this country. We also have very strict manufacturing standards which must be met in making breast implants, and there have been many advances over the years to ensure safety. In our experience, most women select implants from 350cc up to 800cc, which can increase your breast size from one to a few bra cup sizes. Most women don't want to look abnormal, clownish or "over-the-top". Keeping in proportion to the rest of your body will almost always give the most pleasing result.
We recommend that if you are considering breast implants, go to a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who is trained and experienced in Breast Augmentation, and who uses quality saline or silicone gel implants. He or she will be able to advise you on the risks associated with the type and size implant you desire, and will have your health, safety and goals in mind when helping with this important decision.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Choose Credentialled, Qualified and Experienced Specialists
Stories pop up over and over again about patients who willingly select doctors without appropriate credentials, or those who practice out of uncertified facilities. The outcomes of these are often tragic for the patients involved. What sometimes saves a bit of money ends up putting their health or life in jeopardy.
The most recent story appeared this week about a woman who received cheek injections which turned out to be a mixture of ingredients including concrete! Another patient who went to the same "doctor" sealed her incisions with superglue! Unqualified doctors have performed procedures from Breast Augmentation to Brazilian Butt Lifts using products which are not medical grade, nor approved for use in cosmetic surgery. Others perform "awake" procedures under local anesthesia in their office. These can be very dangerous.
See the full story at:
The woman "doctor" in question was not Board Certified, was not a plastic surgeon, nor a licensed physician of any kind. She did not perform the surgeries at a hospital or in a certified or licensed outpatient surgery center.
We hope that this serves as a warning to patients wanting to have cosmetic surgery procedures. Prices which seem to good to be true usually always are. Make sure that the plastic surgeon you choose is properly credentialed and practices in a licensed or AAAASF certified facility (and not a back room office) where essential safety equipment and procedures are in place for your well-being. Remember, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon has received extra training beyond his or her designation as a physician. They have proven expertise in cosmetic and plastic surgery. For more information about Licensure & Certification, visit
The most recent story appeared this week about a woman who received cheek injections which turned out to be a mixture of ingredients including concrete! Another patient who went to the same "doctor" sealed her incisions with superglue! Unqualified doctors have performed procedures from Breast Augmentation to Brazilian Butt Lifts using products which are not medical grade, nor approved for use in cosmetic surgery. Others perform "awake" procedures under local anesthesia in their office. These can be very dangerous.
See the full story at:
The woman "doctor" in question was not Board Certified, was not a plastic surgeon, nor a licensed physician of any kind. She did not perform the surgeries at a hospital or in a certified or licensed outpatient surgery center.
We hope that this serves as a warning to patients wanting to have cosmetic surgery procedures. Prices which seem to good to be true usually always are. Make sure that the plastic surgeon you choose is properly credentialed and practices in a licensed or AAAASF certified facility (and not a back room office) where essential safety equipment and procedures are in place for your well-being. Remember, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon has received extra training beyond his or her designation as a physician. They have proven expertise in cosmetic and plastic surgery. For more information about Licensure & Certification, visit
Friday, March 18, 2011
What is the Most Effective Liposuction Technique?
To try and answer this question, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) went to those who perform liposuction most - Board Certified Plastic Surgeons. The professional association's members were surveyed recently, and asked which methods they prefer most, and which ones they perceive as the safest.
The results are in! Overwhelmingly (at 51.4%), they preferred suction-assisted liposuction (or commonly called "traditional" liposuction, which includes tumescent liposuction). Second and third most preferred (23% and 20.9% respectively) were PAL (power-assisted liposuction) and UAL (ultrasound-assisted liposuction).
LAL or "laser-assisted liposuction" accounted for only 3.9% of plastic surgeons preferring this procedure. LAL methods go by many trendy names, but all are assisted by the use of a laser. Many manufacturers claim that the procedure can be performed under local anesthesia, however, in our experience, most patients cannot tolerate liposuction under local anesthesia, especially for large areas. Patient discomfort can lead to the procedure being aborted earlier than desired.
Dr. Young prefers traditional tumescent liposuction techniques and the use of our own PAL "Tickle Lipo". It seems that Dr. Young is not alone in his perception of what works best!
Dr. Young has been performing liposuction in his private cosmetic surgery practice for over twenty years, and has this information to share: When considering your need for fat removal, realize that problem areas are identified by "area", such as abdomen, hips, thighs, or "love-handles" for men! Liposuction is also very effective for arms, neck or chin, and for reducing large breasts on men. When considering liposuction, consult with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, as they are the physicians who have received the highest levels of appropriate cosmetic surgery training.
In recent years, Dr. Young has perfected his technique of Brazilian Butt Lift, where fat is suctioned from one or more areas of the body is transferred into the buttocks, creating a shapely, voluptuously full figure that is so in fashion. Fat transfer techniques are also effectively used on the face, where loss of volume naturally occurs as we age. While fat transfer to the breast is once again being talked about as a viable alternative to traditional Breast Augmentation with either silicone or saline breast implants, the use of fat in the breasts often requires multiple procedures to end up with the volume you desire. This is because not all of the fat injected survives. Many prefer the tried-and-true methods that have been perfected in Breast Augmentation with advent of endoscopic technologies which allow for minimal incisions, good placement of implants, and beautiful, lasting outcomes. Liposuction is suitable for both men and women, and Dr. Young has seen a steady rise in the number of men who are electing to have liposuction surgery performed. In experienced, skilled hands, liposuction has evolved into an extremely safe and effective surgery for those wanting to reduce problem areas, sculpt the body, and even to add volume to areas lacking shape.
Robert N. Young, MD, FACS is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with his own private Surgery Center in San Antonio, Texas. For more information on Dr. Young, visit his website at
The results are in! Overwhelmingly (at 51.4%), they preferred suction-assisted liposuction (or commonly called "traditional" liposuction, which includes tumescent liposuction). Second and third most preferred (23% and 20.9% respectively) were PAL (power-assisted liposuction) and UAL (ultrasound-assisted liposuction).
LAL or "laser-assisted liposuction" accounted for only 3.9% of plastic surgeons preferring this procedure. LAL methods go by many trendy names, but all are assisted by the use of a laser. Many manufacturers claim that the procedure can be performed under local anesthesia, however, in our experience, most patients cannot tolerate liposuction under local anesthesia, especially for large areas. Patient discomfort can lead to the procedure being aborted earlier than desired.
Dr. Young prefers traditional tumescent liposuction techniques and the use of our own PAL "Tickle Lipo". It seems that Dr. Young is not alone in his perception of what works best!
Dr. Young has been performing liposuction in his private cosmetic surgery practice for over twenty years, and has this information to share: When considering your need for fat removal, realize that problem areas are identified by "area", such as abdomen, hips, thighs, or "love-handles" for men! Liposuction is also very effective for arms, neck or chin, and for reducing large breasts on men. When considering liposuction, consult with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, as they are the physicians who have received the highest levels of appropriate cosmetic surgery training.
In recent years, Dr. Young has perfected his technique of Brazilian Butt Lift, where fat is suctioned from one or more areas of the body is transferred into the buttocks, creating a shapely, voluptuously full figure that is so in fashion. Fat transfer techniques are also effectively used on the face, where loss of volume naturally occurs as we age. While fat transfer to the breast is once again being talked about as a viable alternative to traditional Breast Augmentation with either silicone or saline breast implants, the use of fat in the breasts often requires multiple procedures to end up with the volume you desire. This is because not all of the fat injected survives. Many prefer the tried-and-true methods that have been perfected in Breast Augmentation with advent of endoscopic technologies which allow for minimal incisions, good placement of implants, and beautiful, lasting outcomes. Liposuction is suitable for both men and women, and Dr. Young has seen a steady rise in the number of men who are electing to have liposuction surgery performed. In experienced, skilled hands, liposuction has evolved into an extremely safe and effective surgery for those wanting to reduce problem areas, sculpt the body, and even to add volume to areas lacking shape.
Robert N. Young, MD, FACS is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with his own private Surgery Center in San Antonio, Texas. For more information on Dr. Young, visit his website at
Friday, February 18, 2011
Dr. Young's recent trainings
Dr. Young recently returned from the Las Vegas Convention for plastic and reconstructive surgeons. There were many topics of discussion that Dr. Young found interesting. He feels that attending meetings which are hosted by your professional associations (such as the ASPS and ASAPS for Board Certified Plastic Surgeons), challenge you to keep abreast of the latest advances and technologies available in your field. The opportunity to meet with colleagues, attend seminars and trainings, visit with manufacturers and vendors is vital in keeping you well informed and able to deliver the best to your patients.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Dr Young's Thoughts on Awake Surgery
Local anesthesia for surgical procedures is not always the best choice. Often times the operating physician is giving sedation medication and using local anesthesia without an Anesthesiologist in order to save money. I think it is much safer to use an Anesthesiologist to give the patient the proper level of comfort during the procedure, as well as to monitor their level of consciousness. If you are feeling pain during the procedure the physician will often stop short of getting you a successful result. A few hundred dollars more for a Board Certified Anesthesiologist is definitely worth the safety and success of a several thousand dollar procedure.
Check out what MSNBC has discovered on the topic:
Check out what MSNBC has discovered on the topic:
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