Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Patient Financing: Care Credit Just Got Even Easier To Use

We try to make patient financing as easy as possible for our plastic surgery patients who would prefer to pay for services over time. It can be an excellent way of building credit while you enjoy the results of your cosmetic enhancement procedures. Care Credit has always been one of the leading sources of financing the cost of plastic surgery for our cosmetic surgery patients.

Many times, patients with "less than perfect" credit who are denied credit on their own, are able to obtain financing by opening a Care Credit account with a co-signer. Sometimes this is not possible. Another option is to become an "authorized user" on another person's account. By having a friend, spouse, or family member add you to their account as an authorized user, you are able to legally access their line of credit without having to qualify solely on your own credit.

Now, Care Credit has improved the system for authorized users by issuing an actual Care Credit card in the authorized user's name. This simplifies using the card in your doctor's office, vet's office, or other places where Care Credit is accepted!

If you chose to use Care Credit as an authorized user at Dr. Young's office, we can now process your payment without the primary cardholder being present. If you are an authorized user on someone else's Care Credit account, contact Care Credit and request your new card.

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