Dr. Robert N. Young is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon practicing in San Antonio, Texas. For over 20 years, he has specialized in cosmetic surgeries including Breast Augmentation, Tummy Tuck and Liposuction. He is commonly referred to as the "Breast Doctor" of San Antonio, due to the number of breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction and corrective breast surgeries he performs each year.
A native of San Antonio, Dr. Young attended West Point military academy and completed his medical degree at Tulane in 1975. Following his plastic surgery fellowship at William Beaumont Army Medical Center at Fort Bliss in 1982, Dr. Young returned to Brooke Army Medical Center where he served as plastic surgeon and consultant to the Burn Unit. He was named Chief of Plastic Surgery at BAMC until he retired from the military in 1990 and began his private practice in San Antonio.
Dr. Young's surgical procedures are performed in his own state-of-the-art Surgical Center, which has been accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF). The center provides cost effectiveness for the patient, while allowing total discretion and comfort.
Dr. Robert N. Young has been a leader in breast surgery, being one of the first in the area to utilize minimally invasive surgical techniques. These procedures, including endoscopic, reduce scarring, reduce post-surgical pain, and give the best aesthetic results possible. Because of his outstanding reputation, Dr. Young was one of a select national group of prominent surgeons selected by Mentor, manufacturer of breast implants, to perform surgerieswith silicone implants for a nationwide study of the safety of silicone during the nearly 15 year ban of silicone implants. His participation has been instrumental in the development of the newer style implants which increase safety for patients. Dr. Young offers patients their choice of saline or silicone implants, in a variety of sizes, shapes and profiles to suite most body types and personal preferences.