Did you know that a physician is supposed to always be on-site whenever an RN, PA or Medical Assistant is performing procedures such as Botox and injectables?
Whether you get your procedures done at a plastic surgeon's office, a MediSpa, a Day Spa, or even at a GYN or podiatrist's office, an MD must be available to supervise.
A recent industry newsletter advised that the California Medical Board "has increased their efforts to restrict medical aesthetic practices and their 'medispa businesses'." The alert went on to say, "The Medical Board has also significantly increased its enforcement of aesthetic practices that are inadequately supervised by physicians."
We've also read of some horror stories that occur when unlicensed, untrained people perform injections of products that are not approved for use by the FDA. These injections can cause serious complications and even lasting disfigurement.
Texas has had strict rules on "spas" and spa services for many years. That's why Dr. Robert Young or another doctor is always on-site when you're having procedures performed by a Registered Nurse (R.N.) at Aesthetic Enhancement. The bottom line:iIt is good practice to make sure that the place you go for your injectables has a physician on on-site and that your provider has the appropriate training and experience.
#Botox #Facial fillers