A controversial 2004 reality television show "The Swan" will be making a comeback on Fox later this year in the form of a reality show called "Celebrity Swan". This two hour special will feature plastic surgery procedures on former stars who are hoping to make career comebacks. A reinvention as it were. And there are many out there who want to see the transformations unfold.
Among those celebrities being considered are Erin Moran of Happy Days fame, and former White House Intern Monica Lowinsky of President Clinton fame. Although there is no news of what types of roles they are hoping to land following their procedures, or in fact what cosmetic procedures they will be having, it is sure to draw interest.
Dr. Robert Young is a Board Certified plastic surgeon with over 30 years experience in San Antonio, Texas. He performs a variety of procedures and feels that cosmetic plastic surgery continues to gain in popularity among men and women of all ages. While breast augmentation continues to be a top choice for women, (along with liposuction and tummy tuck), eyelid lifts and facial surgeries are gaining popularity as more men and women feel they need to look their best to remain competitive in today's tight job market. Surgery procedures for men are growing at a very fast pace, with eyelid lift, liposuction and gynecomastia (male breast reduction) surgeries leading the way as the most popular.
In addition to surgical procedures, which are performed in his own Outpatient Surgery Center, Dr. Young states that non-invasive procedures such as Botox and facial fillers are requested more frequently, and he has seen a jump in requests by men in the last year.
Robert N. Young, MD, FACS is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in San Antonio, Texas. With over 30 years of plastic surgery specialty, he combines surgical expertise with an unrivaled level of personal attention and care. His specialty office and surgical center, Aesthetic Enhancement Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center, was founded by Dr. Young in order to bring the most innovative cosmetic surgery procedures to his patients and to practice his specialty of Breast Augmentation surgeries.